
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Here, There and Everywhere!

I know that a lot of the time when I talk about my job I end up talking about raising support.  It's just part of the deal when you work for a non-profit like Cru.  But it not just staff that needs to raise support.  My whole summer pretty much revolved around support raising.  It was pretty crazy. Here's a look into what my summer assignment was.

Officially this summer I was assigned to "Summer Project Operations."  What this means is that I was here to help out our various summer project operations directors by processing income, i.e. student support. Some people think that this sounded like the most boring job possible.  And if I told you that what I did was got the mail, opened it, recorded all the checks (scanning and entering into a spreadsheet) then mailed them to our world headquarters it might actually sound INCREDIBLY boring.  If it was for anything else it might have been, but it really wasn't. 

How is this tedious task of check wrangling not boring, you might ask?  Well, when you get to see how God provides for people who have the desire to serve Him, it brings joy.  It is something that is so hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced support raising.  I've seen the Lord provide funds for students in weeks of beginning the process as well as the Lord leading people in a different direction.  It helps to remind me if I'm diligent in my support raising the Lord will provide.

So, whats so great about looking at all the support coming in for other people when I'm struggling to get the last bit for myself?  I got to see students go all over the world!  They did things that I can't do.  I'm in Portland, not in Australia, East Asia, the Middle East, or Costa Rica.  I'm in Oregon, not in Alaska, Tahoe, or Colorado.  But the students I interacted with were in all those places.  I got to see and hear about the Lord working ALL over the whole World!  Not many people get to experience that as part of their job. 

Matthew 28:19-20 says:
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
 I'm one person who has responsibilities here in Portland, but by serving as an income processor I was able to help fulfill part of the Great Commission.  It's such a blessing to be a part of something that big, something that huge, that name of Jesus got to go to so far.  It's awesome.

Would you like to be a part of something so far outside yourself that it feels so amazing to know that you just get to be a part of it?